Monday, March 8

IWK lawatan muhibah..hehe


woah!!!!da lame tk updated blog ni..
nk updated pasal ape ek??
da la tkde keje ni...
bosan plk...
tp malas je nk updated...

aritu kitorang g IWK...
Indah Water Konsortium...
tau kitorang wtpe kt situ??
tgk diorg proses air kumbahan...
ade sludge cake..
ape ntah lg..
da la busuk pastu panas lg
mcm nk pengsan je sume...

mule2 g kt IWK bdr tun razak cheras
pastu kt putrajaya plk..
awal2 ok lg..second round punye tu mmg tk la..
tkleh blah rase cm nk pengsan..

tgk gamba2 jom..

tu saje tkleh lebih2...

Wednesday, March 3

tarian poco-poco haram??

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers


love is the source of unity

love is the source of unity