Tuesday, November 24

aku sangat sedih...

sedih la sangat aku ni kn..
tp ade la jgk rase sedih...
tp mls nk cite...

bosan lak aku kt sini..
tesis tk wt lg..
tkde jiwa la nk wt..
rase cm tknk wt je...

please la jgn kacau aku lg..
aku da cukup susah da ni...

tajuk entry tkde kene mengena ok..

1 comment:

Suziey Ahmad said...

erkk teringt zmaan study pulun buat tesis..huhu..xsuka..tp bila dh abis study ni rindu plak zmn tu..hehe

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers


love is the source of unity

love is the source of unity